This pic is a throwback when I was invited to record a song for a charity CD in aid of mental health (something close to my heart I champion💪🙏).
It required a long tiring drive to a (beautiful) studio in Folkestone and back unpaid. But it didn’t matter to me. My ‘Why’ was more powerful.
As result of my contribution, I’ve made AWESOME new friends👭👫👬, helped spread awareness of mental health to others, and hopefully inspired people with my song.
I believe the same principle can (and should) be applied when starting your own business, and going after your dreams.
Don’t make the mistake of basing it on a fad, a trend, or just something that looks like it will make money. That’s not a strong enough ‘Why’.
Your ‘Why’ has to be powerful enough to get you out of bed on cold rainy mornings.
Powerful enough to keep you going despite not earning anything to start with.
Powerful enough to keep you going despite setbacks, discouragement, lack of support (maybe even from ones you love most).
Take it from me the ONLY way you stand a chance is if your ‘Why’ is something you’re PASSIONATE about.
So whatever that is for you – Build your Business around that. Here’s why:
- It’s probably your life’s calling!
- You will learn, grow and excel at being an awesome leader & human being building a business than you ever will just being someone’s employee.
- It will feel like play, rather then work.
- You will be Free in Spirit, Mind and Action to decide what’s best for you.
- Whether you make a little or a lot of money, you will inspire and help others by your example.
- In a big (or humble) way – You can change the world.
- You will be HAPPY (doing what you love tends to have that effect)😊
Keep the love strong 💪

If you’d like to learn how to build an online business around the things you’re interested in, so you can be free to do the things you love, then join me here for a (free) training webinar.