Do You Want to Feel Inspired?..

Inspiration Courage and Dreams

There’s a film I watched recently called “Door to Door” and I want to recommend it to you for a number of reasons.

Firstly the acting is really, really good. The film is also based on the true story of a man called Bill Porter.

Bill Porter was an American Door to Door salesman in the 1950s based in Portland Oregon. As a very young man, he experienced lots of rejections when applying to various sales companies who refused to hire him.

Eventually, he managed to persuade the manager of one company (Watkins Inc.) to give him a chance…but only by giving him the toughest sales territory that none of the company’s salespeople would touch!

I don’t want to spoil it for you by giving too much away – but the film follows Bill’s journey, his hardships, and the rejections he faced as he did his best to follow through on his decision to follow his chosen path. His dream was to make his first sale and be successful as a salesman.

What’s so exceptional about Bill you might ask?

Bill Porter had Cerebral Palsy.

He walked with a limp, had the use of only one arm and his speech was slurred to the point of being incomprehensible.

Not exactly the best start for a career in door-to-door sales.

His resolve was tested (to the limit) he battled everything rain, cold and probably most painful of all rejection and rudeness from people who were offensive and mean to him.

The movie has a beautiful flow and provides an emotional roller coaster ride following the story of a man who struggled to overcome odds most of us will never have to face, with dignity and courage that is admirable and worth emulating.

If this isn’t enough to encourage you to watch the film – the acting is extraordinary with William Macy as Bill Porter who also won an Emmy for his performance.

This film is such a precious rare gem that most people don’t know about – but such a treasure when you discover it. It’s only 1:30 min so not very long…perfect as a film over the weekend.

And if you’re in sales or have a sales-related job? this’ll definitely be perfect for you.

But even if you’re not in a sale job, this will still be very meaningful. In fact, it’s relevant to ANYBODY who’s job involves interacting with people in any way shape or form.

The film draws our attention to what we often forget in life and business – that although our jobs exist to help us make money, business isn’t just about money…it should be a harmony of being about people, relationships and trust…where we exchange things of value with each other: to help each other.

That’s what business is about – and if it isn’t? That’s what it should be about.

So anyway check it out. I hope you’re uplifted and inspired by it as much as I was.

Here’s a link to the film on YouTube (hopefully it’s still up there). If it is…you should be able to watch it for Free : ) 

Let me know what you think. 


Mark Villarosa - Artist, Musician and Digital Entrepreneur

My name is Mark. I’m an artist, musician and online entrepreneur.

I’m also on a mission to inspire and help people create the freedom to follow their passion by starting a business around what they love.

What If You Made A Decision that feels Wrong…What Now?

Worried Man

I’m a great believer that when you’ve made a decision, the universe “conspires” to make it happen by sending you things, people, circumstances, situations and opportunities to make your vision come true.

This is a quote from one of my favourite authors:

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Paulo Coelho

I think most people’s “expectation” or hope, is that when they’ve made a decision the universe will give them positive signs and good things will happen to validate that the decision was the right one.

But what do you do when instead of good things happening, bad things come at you; instead of smoothness and flow, you are faced with hardships, challenges, frustrations even more obstacles? What if you encounter people who not only make you doubt your choice but also confuse you – maybe even obstruct you?

Does that mean you made the wrong decision in the first place?

Woman Worried

When things don’t go according to plan, it’s very natural to think the worst. You’re not alone. It’s a very human thing. No doubt even the greatest inspirational leaders the world has ever known experienced their personal moments of doubt where their resolve was tested – often to the limit.

And that’s probably a very good word for us to start unravelling things towards seeking the answers.

The word…



To find a solution to a problem.

To decide firmly on a course of action.


A firm determination to do something.

I’m a personal believer that at the point of making a firm decision and committing yourself to something…the universe conspires to help you BUT not always in the way/s you might expect. Your resolve is tested…yes, very likely to the limit.

In fact, I believe it’s something you should expect. And the bigger your dream…the bigger the test to your resolve.

Now what IF…

All of the challenges, hardships and obstacles that suddenly appear in your way are there not to stop you…but to teach you?

What if the pain you are experiencing can be transformed into valuable lessons that will aid you in developing yourself to become a wiser, stronger, more compassionate person?

What if the obstacles are a gift? a gift of knowledge that can help you (not avoid but) face and overcome even greater challenges – should they appear again?

What if your new “gifts” can be imparted to others who may be struggling – where you can give them strength and guidance because you have experienced similar tribulations and came through them an even better person as a result?

What IF…

Instead of viewing things as the universe stopping you…you viewed it as the universe “equipping” you?

Equipping you with valuable and priceless experience, clarity, depth, and wisdom so that when you finally do get what you asked for…not only will you be grateful for it but you will also be truly ready to receive it, appreciate it, enjoy it….and be able to share what you’ve learned – to help others.

Now, assuming (with a leap of faith) you subscribe to all of the above?

The last piece that will lock it all in and give you incredible power of “follow through” is to know…really know…that you’ve made the right decision in the first place.

Here’s how you can tell.

When it makes absolute sense from a thinking point of view combined with feeling right, feeling good…in your heart. Go with it.

Heart and Mind

Because if you’ve made a decision with both your mind and your heart TOGETHER. It can never be the wrong decision. Have Faith in your decision. It’s the exact right path for you at that time.

Before I conclude this blog, I want to give YOU a gift : )

Being a major fan of lists, I made a checklist for you.

I’ve called it:

“How to Stay On Course When You’ve Made the Right Decision” ; )

  • IF a problem, or challenge keeps reoccurring in your life, maybe it’s not the universe punishing or obstructing you – is it possible that perhaps YOU haven’t learned the lesson yet? Maybe it’s time YOU changed?
  • See good experiences (good people, good moments) as “road signs” that you’re headed in the right direction, follow those
  • See all bad & painful things (people, situations) as learning experiences – take what you need from it, in order to make better decisions next time – and keep moving forward
  • Have faith in the outcome by believing in the outcome – everything that happens to you (good and bad) on the way to it, is part of the PROCESS
  • You only fail, when you Quit
  • If you follow your path, with absolute faith and unceasing commitment, it will only be a matter of time until you succeed


Mark Villarosa - Artist, Musician and Digital Entrepreneur

My name is Mark Villarosa. I’m an artist, musician & online entrepreneur. I’m on a mission to inspire and help people create the freedom to follow their passion by starting a business around what they love.

5 Ways to Allow Abundance to Flow into Your Life

River Flowing

You’re probably familiar with this famous saying: “It’s better to give than to receive”

Most of us are taught from a very young age to share with others and to be kind and generous to those less fortunate. As an adult, you may have even volunteered your time and given money to charitable causes helping those who are in need.

These are all worthy and noble actions. But an equally worthy and noble action is one that most people overlook, and that is the ability to “receive” with grace and gratitude.

The two (giving and receiving) form an integral union, a yin yang , a circle of completion through which the universe is allowed to flow freely towards you.

People instinctively know how to give, but it’s surprising how many of us don’t know how to receive.

Nature masterfully shows us the incredibly simple and beautiful way this is done.

Consider your breathing. Every breath that flows from your body is made up of inhaling and exhaling. You take in oxygen…and you breathe out carbon monoxide.

Plants – take in carbon monoxide…and produce oxygen.

Our giving is their receiving. And their giving is our receiving. The dynamic exists in perfect harmony as long as this transaction is fulfilled. This is a law of nature.

So when we ask for what we want, the universe can only send it to us if our hearts are open and expectant to receive. You can’t expect abundance to flow at its fullest capacity through a tiny opening and it cannot flow at all, into one that is closed.

Here are some very simple things you can do to practice opening your heart and strengthening your ability to receive:

  1. Next time someone pays you a compliment, instead of dismissing the gesture or even questioning it – “bask” in the light and warmth of their compliment by receiving it and simply saying “Thank you”.
  2. If someone tries to Thank You, instead of batting it away and saying “Ah, it was nothing”, “Forget about it” or “Don’t worry about it” – receive the thanks and say “My Pleasure”, or “You’re very welcome”.
  3. Change the “meaning” of things you would have formerly considered “disappointing” or “frustrating” and now receive them as “gifts”. Didn’t get that dream job or promotion? Receive that as a blessing. Perhaps you weren’t ready yet? Or there’s a better one on its’ way at a time that’s perfectly right for you.
  4. If it starts raining? instead of seeing it as an irritation or bad weather to dread, receive it as a gift, a life-giving force of nature. Maybe even have fun with it, like kids do (like you used to, remember?) : )
  5. Be mindful to receive the many, many things you may have taken for granted that give beauty, order and direction to your life: The sun rise giving its light, warmth and majesty to inspire you;
Beautiful Sunrise

A job that gives you money to pay your bills; A heart that beats ceaselessly giving you life.

What else would you add to that list?

Place yourself into a state of “receptivity” by giving yourself permission to receive, and seek the gifts in all situations (even the negative ones) with a grateful heart – and you will open the door to a mighty torrent of abundance from a universe just waiting to unleash its blessings upon you.

Mark Villarosa - Digital Entrepreneur

My name is Mark. I’m an artist, musician & online entrepreneur.

I’m also on a mission to inspire and help people create the freedom to follow their passions by starting a business around what they love.